When most people come to the gym with any intentions, about 95% are here for the same reason, weight loss. There are many tools and gimmicks, supplements and literature out there that claim to be the ‘IT’ product. And although these tools might aid in weight loss, they are not the complete answer.
When it comes down to it, the formula is simple, 80/20. What does that mean exactly? It means that 80% of your weight loss efforts need to come from nutrition and 20% from exercise and activity. It is not an exact formula, but it does go to show just how important the nutrients we consume everyday impact our overall efforts.
Think about it this way. How many times a week do you workout? If you count your weight sessions, which should be about 2-3, and your cardio sessions, which should be about 4-5, that’s about 7-9 sessions per week. Now think about how often you eat. If you are eating 5 meals/snacks per day, that is 35 opportunities to directly impact your goal. Changing this formula by working out more and eating less will have even more negative impacts on your health.
It goes to show just how important the food is that we consume every day. How much, how often, and what we eat, are the biggest factors in that 80%. So, if you are consuming high caloric, poor choice meals and trying to ‘work it off at the gym’, your efforts might assist in increasing your endurance, but will not assist in decreasing your waistline.
Next time you want to reach for that piece of cake or that morning donut, remind yourself what you are trying to achieve and don’t forget the 80/20 rule. What goes into your mouth accounts for 80% of how you look!
Kristi Smith
Certified Personal Trainer, Nutrition and Wellness Specialist
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